Bon Iver- 22, A Million Review

                                    Bon Iver's '22, A Million' is the third studio album from the Wisconsin native. Bon Iver's sound has many different facets to it, but can be best described as Indie Folk, or Folktronica. 22, A Million is filled with abstract compositions, both catchy and difficult to understand. Though it is like nothing I've ever heard before, it is nothing short of captivating. This album had my ears locked on to it from beginning to end. Each song kept me guessing as to what would come next. Most songs would end so abruptly, yet flow so perfectly into the next track that it felt seamless and organic.
                                     22, A Million has the intent of being more than just an album. It has the pure honesty of a painting, a work of art. Each song bring it's own unique piece to this puzzle, and none seem obsolete. The use of auto tune and electronic music on this record gives songs an other-worldly feel, as if they were dropped here on this planet from some other world. The heart of this album is completely comprehendable and relatable. Pain, worry, relationships, struggle, conviction, and hope are all subjects that lead vocalist Justin Vernon songs about. No matter who you are, you will come away with a different perspective after listening to this album. 22, A Million is innovative, awe-inspiring, mesmerizing, atmospheric, artistic, and unlike anything I've ever heard before.


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